Tuesday 12 January 2016


In today's session we filled out our rehearsal check-list, before spending 10 minutes recapping the three motifs we had learnt and developed (the taught chair motif and our own chair and table motifs).

Following this, we read through an extract from "Frantic Assembly's Book of Devising Theatre" (pictured below).

For the remainder of the session we set our focus upon turning existing movement into muscle memory in order to work towards seamless transitions between movements, so that we could begin to introduce dynamics that will convey the intended story and explore the following possibilities:

a.       Performing with as much eye contact as possible
This proved to be difficult with our piece due to the obstruction of the table. 
b.      With one performer constantly looking forward as if watching TV
This idea works really well with our own chair motif. 
c.       Try performing the material in other places (stairs, floor, table)
d.      And a choice of their own bespoke performance possibility.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Rehearsal Checklist PMD3

We composed a check-list to be completed at the beginning of each rehearsal to evidence our commitment and contribution to the sessions. The process began by discussing points in pairs before collating these points as a company and categorising them. From here, we then wrote them up individually.The list breaks down the expectations for students of Pass, Merit and Distinction level.
This check-list is to be completed weekly, and evidence of this can be found here in the "Checklists" page.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Performance Possibilities: The Table PMD3/4

In this session, we mindmapped ways in which the table and chairs could be used within the performance other than using them for their intended purposes. After creating this mindmap we explored these ideas further practically to develop our own motifs. We later wrote about these to explain how we had used these ideas or how we could use those we had not yet considered. 

Peer Feedback: Chair and Table Motifs

We held a post-show discussion with two of our peers about how we could improve on the material we had created thus far.