Thursday 3 March 2016

Discussion; Reflection and Performance Possibilities PMD3/4

In the two above videos, we played back some clips of our earlier rehearsals and discussed what we thought worked and what we felt needed to be improved or perhaps changed in order to turn our explorations into a performance.

Here, whilst we are again discussing moments we likes or developments to be made, we are looking at a more recent session, in which we aimed to maintain our focus on a prop, which was a television, throughout the performance. We also discussed potential ideas for performance possibilities.

In this clip, we are still discussing the aforementioned points, but for our exploration of the ending with everyone left on stage.

This time we looked at the video of where only one person remains on stage. We considered the different angles from which the performance could be seen from and how they worked well in relation to the performance.

Here, we discuss our explorations of performing the movement in slow motion to follow the accompaniment, what went well and how it could be improved.

 In the above videos we discuss potential ideas for pre show possibilities in our performance. We began to structure and plan the final performance and noted down ideas for how it could pan out.
Below is an image also depicting our ideas regarding the subject.

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